The daily image developed on the Mac and published on the net

Sunday, February 22, 1998------http://www.nccn.net/~berman/---------FREE

* S P E C I A L * E D I T I O N * 

We just heard, Saturday afternoon from Dr.Mattman, a specialist in Michigan, that I have a form of Lymes disease. Lymes is a type of spirochete, not a virus or bacteria. My test showed the spirochete Borrelia Burgdorferi. And the good news - it is treatable with antibiotics. Treatments vary from person to person, and last between a month to longer than a year. We left messages with my doctor and a Lymes specialist in Sacramento at UC Davis. Here's a link for those of you who would like some info on Lymes.

I'm the 20th person among a group of ALS people who correspond via internet, who has changed their diagnosis. I thank Dennis Lxuford and Dean Chioles for their persistence, determination and kindness for sharing their knowledge.

I will leave this page up for a week so everyone can share the good news. As we find out more details, I will post them here.

Please don't call,just email, because we anticipate an exciting yet hectic week.
Thank you all for the prayers, support and faith. Please keep it up. I can see the light, but I still have a ways to go.

Tuesday, February 24 -UPDATE

We are waiting for the results to reach my doctor and still trying to get in touch with the specialist. I've been emailing other people and researching more on Lymes.  Thank you all for the email, support and prayers.  I'll keep you posted.

Friday, February 27 - UPDATE

Yesterday my doctor phoned Dr. Mattman at the lab in Michigan,  to verify the results because the paper work hasn't been received yet.  He is starting me on Tetracycline today.  I will keep you posted.

Sunday, March 1 - UPDATE

Hey, I'm walking,  talking and clapping my hands!   Well, not yet, but soon.  Everything is starting slowly but now we're going in the right direction.
Monday the web page will return to it's daily format.  I will post updates as they arise.   


THROUGH MY EYES will be moving to a new address very soon.  Don't worry if the page is unaccessable for a few days.  I am trying to make the change over easy for all.  The new address should be :



It's not up yet,but you might be able to bookmark it now. I will send out email when it's officially up and running.  Sorry for any inconvenience.  

Editor / Designer..........Daddy on the Mac

Videography.................Cali Mac 

Assistant......................Miss Peepers


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